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Betty Yip, PMP, CSM’s Avatar

Betty Yip, PMP, CSM

Senior Director, Technical Program Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
72 Answers
52697 Reads
111 Karma
Jaelarae’s Avatar
Jaelarae Oct 27, 2020 380 views

How many positions are the in custodial work, if they're any?

I'm 18 and I am looking for work #work #jobs

Irene’s Avatar
Irene Oct 06, 2016 2335 views

What kind of master's degrees can I do if I am studying translation and interpreting?

I am studying the degree of translation and interpreting but I do not know the offer of masters that I can choose. #jobs #language #foreign-languages #translation #interpretation

Anh Minh’s Avatar
Anh Minh May 06, 2018 736 views

What is the job security of a Med Student?

My parents and family members have always been urging me to go along the route of becoming a doctor or anything relating to medical. On my part, I am not that against their suggestion. Recently, I've been aiming to switch from Mechanical Engineering to applying for medical school. A factor of...

jessica’s Avatar
jessica Jan 19, 2022 374 views

Where do I have the best chance of developing myself in the gastronomic field?

#culinary arts #culinary-arts #chef

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 04, 2021 458 views

How does an business economics major differ compared to a business administrative major?

How exactly are these 2 career paths different? If you have classes with experience with one or both. which do you recommend? #business #college-major #business-management

Amrith Prashanth’s Avatar
Amrith Prashanth Jul 20, 2021 543 views

I have completed BBA in Retail Management. What post graduation to take up? I have an idea to join Mcom (International Business). will my decision be wise?

I am a disabled student due to an accident. I lost 5 years in treatment. I still have issues in mobility, speech and left hand usage. #college #retail #management #mass-communications #business #international-business #business-management

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Sep 23, 2020 955 views

What are some resources I can use to educate myself about sustainability and possibly enter the field? What are your favorites?

#field #sustainability #research #climatechange

Brandy’s Avatar
Brandy Oct 25, 2021 510 views

What related fields do you think I should consider?

I'm interes #dentist #dental-hygienist #dentistry ted in being a dental hygienist.

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Oct 08, 2021 543 views

What are the requirements for a veterinarian?

I have wanted to be a veterinarian for a while and was wondering the different requirements# #veterinarian #animals #veterinarian requirements

nicola’s Avatar
nicola Oct 31, 2021 446 views

what subjects do we need to become a CSI in a police force?


Paul’s Avatar
Paul Oct 24, 2021 563 views

What should I do to pursue a Phd in the United States ?

I completed my MBA here in India and work for a corporate company but would like to be a researcher and to pursue that I would like to do a Phd in the United States

Tracy’s Avatar
Tracy Oct 25, 2021 518 views

I'm a teacher that just signed up for a webinar to show my students and need to show it at a later time, can I?

I teach at a school for mostly refugees in Utah. 80-90% speak multiple languages and are at the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. I teach middle school math AND CSP from in an after school environment. I signed up for the webinar on alternatives to 4-year degree, which I...

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Oct 28, 2021 442 views

how does programmers make video game characters special movments?

#programming #game

Jakayla’s Avatar
Jakayla Oct 26, 2021 435 views

What is cosmetology school

I want #cosmetology

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Oct 13, 2021 436 views

What is the hardest part about being a massage therapist?
