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Alan’s Avatar
Alan Jul 23 305 views

What can I use math for?

I want to get better at writing

clinton’s Avatar
clinton Jul 23 298 views

who is a clerk?

clerk in court

Rashmitha’s Avatar
Rashmitha Jul 11 492 views

What resources are there for me to learn as much as I can about my passion of neuroscience and especially neuro-oncology?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I am so passionate about neuro-oncology. I feel like there's so much to learn and really throw myself into and I'm excited to learn all I can. Are there any free courses and resources that help me develop my passion and understanding about this topic that...

Rashmitha’s Avatar
Rashmitha Jul 09 592 views

How can I overcome imposter syndrome and low self esteem in school and life?

I've struggled my whole life with imposter syndrome and this inherent feeling that my success is tied to my achievements in school. This has led to depressive episodes, low self-esteem, and resentment and jealousy on my part sometimes which I am not proud of at all. I compare myself and either...

Rashmitha’s Avatar
Rashmitha Jul 09 289 views

What strategies can help me be financially stable early on?

I've noticed my parents always struggling with finances due to their spending habits and lack of financial understanding. I want to avoid this for myself at all costs and was wondering how I can implement good saving and financial habits early on to avoid falling into the same debt situation...

Rashmitha’s Avatar
Rashmitha Jun 28 447 views

Is there such thing as a neuro-oncology lab scientist instead of an actual doctor or surgeon How many years of school do I have to go through for this job?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I don't see myself physically working with patients but rather in a laboratory setting trying to develop treatments for brain cancer instead. Do these types of jobs exist and what is the education required to do so? I am also interested if this sort of...

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Jun 16 304 views

How can I make myself and the people around me proud?

I need advice on how to make money for school.

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jun 15 270 views

What courses can I take it to better my career path in math?

What courses can I take it to better my career path in math?

khloe’s Avatar
khloe May 10 299 views

What does a criminal profiler need to go out to the field ?


stephanie’s Avatar
stephanie Apr 28 367 views

What should I do to get to my end goal?

My end goal is to become a criminal behavior analyst or a Criminal Investigator. I currently am in school earning a bachelor’s in Criminology and Behavioral Healthcare. With an Associates in Criminal Justice already. I was wondering if getting a job as a CPI ( child protective investigations...

Sara’s Avatar
Sara Apr 28 472 views

What minor should I choose between Leadership and Supply chain/operations management if I'm majoring in Management and I plan to become an Operations Manager?

I have researched both of these minors and they both seem to have pros but I'm wondering other people's perspective of which one will be the most beneficial.

Rory’s Avatar
Rory Apr 14 332 views

What is the process in finding a job as an Athletic Trainer?

I am a former athlete and I love biology and studying the human body. I am a student in high school trying to research careers. I will take all of the help I can get, thank you!

sheldon’s Avatar
sheldon Apr 12 462 views

what are the signs of success?

i want to know if i have them

Glennys’s Avatar
Glennys Apr 08 423 views

What career should I dedicate to if I'm interested in many?

I want to be a surgeon, nurse, psychologist, deal with criminal cases, learn to read body language, etc.

Zaid’s Avatar
Zaid Apr 01 552 views

What should i do if i want to major in chemical engineering but the university im planning to go to doesn’t offer said program. I was thinking of majoring in materials science and engineering and getting a minor in chemistry. Could that potentially land me any chemical engineering jobs, or should I reconsider what im planning to do?

Hello! Im in 11th grade and absolutely love both engineering and chemistry.

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