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Lillian Wang, LMSW’s Avatar

Lillian Wang, LMSW

Career Counselor in Higher Education
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
56 Answers
44818 Reads
346 Karma


Civic Duty
anderw’s Avatar
anderw Sep 04, 2018 570 views

Can i be a biologist in Indianan. How much will i make. What else will i have to know.

i am looking for a job that allows me to be a biologist that study all types of DNA and animals, plants, and virus. I would like to look into selective breeding and more. #biologist. #biology

Ever’s Avatar
Ever Sep 21, 2018 624 views

i am in the 12th grade and i am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps i should consider based on my passions and interests ?

At school , i am most interested in Science , Us History and Gym , while my hobbies include Basketball , Soccer, and Football . A topic that i am passionate about is Basketball . What are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps i can do in...

Dorian’s Avatar
Dorian Oct 16, 2018 671 views

What are some tricks that people use to not have as much student loans.

Tricks that’s not common. I need some ideas # #student-loans

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Oct 16, 2018 687 views

Is Online College harder than IRL College?

I have been taking online college class for a few years now. However, I start at SFA in the fall of 2019. Will IRL classes be a lot harder? #college-advice #college #college-bound

Jeronim’s Avatar
Jeronim Oct 16, 2018 607 views

Is it easy to balance work and school at the same time ?

#college student #job #school work

Sophia’s Avatar
Sophia Oct 17, 2018 630 views

Is scholarships taxable?

#scholarshiptax, #taxscholarship, #financialaid, #money, #scholarship

Kertiandra’s Avatar
Kertiandra Oct 17, 2018 560 views

Is taking a major which requires medical school and all that jazz worth?

#medical-school #medicine #doctor

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 20, 2018 1325 views

What is the best non-STEM major to pursue in Liberals Arts college to get the highest pay job post-college?

I need to be able to support myself and pay back my student loans, so it will be helpful to know what non-STEM major to study in college.
#bestdegree #college-advice #college #liberal-arts #college-major

austin ’s Avatar
austin Oct 30, 2017 846 views

i love helping paple and i wana be a doctor is it a good idea

i wanna be a doctor because i love helping people i always have is it a good idea and my mom is a nurse
#medicine #hospital-and-health-care #doctor

Sarina’s Avatar
Sarina Aug 07, 2018 910 views

What's a good major to pursue if you have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies and you enjoy subjects involving English/Writing?

By 18, if I work hard enough, I should have an AA degree in Health Sciences General Studies, though now I'm wondering if I still want to pursue a career focused entirely on health. I've always struggled with math, which as I've found is quite involved in this field, making me reconsider my...

Cierra’s Avatar
Cierra Oct 15, 2018 603 views

What is an easy way out find out if a college professor isn't good at their job before taking their class?

In the past, I have had poor experiences with signing up for professors that have no passion or little expertise in the topic that they choose. It feels like a gamble, honestly. I am aware of sites that have student reviews on professors, but only two of mine in my entire college are on any of...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Jan 10, 2018 742 views

What are the best places for a biochemistry/biotechnology internship?

I am a 9th grader that has been interested in this field for a very long time. I know that work experience is quite valued, but don't know where the best internships lie. At least, the best ones in my area. To give a bit more detail about what I'm interested in, I'd like to do something with...

Kertiandra’s Avatar
Kertiandra Oct 17, 2018 663 views

Do you guys think food science would blow up?

#science #biology #chemistry

Nisha’s Avatar
Nisha Aug 18, 2018 762 views

Do medical schools look favorably upon students who do study abroad?

Does it add something to medical school applications if you've studied abroad? I was considering doing a faculty-led trip, but it wouldn't be necessarily science related, so I'm not sure I could tie it into my application directly, but does it at least show well-roundedness? #studyabroad #premed

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Sep 28, 2018 656 views

Best Major for Sales

What's the best major I can get to get into medical/pharmaceutical sales? #college-major