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Andrew317 views

Should I work full time during college?

For some background information I'm pretty broke. My family dosen't have the best circumstances and they're trying to invest in a new location for a resteraunt. I'm going to be attending Northeastern Oakland next school year and I'm wondering if I should work more than a federal work study. A friend that I meet going to the same place told me he could hook me up with a good job.

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Xin Hui501 views

How can I better understand myself for my future career?

I am in 10th and i’m really lost in life about what I should do. I like creative jobs, science and business.

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Nadia437 views

How do I prepare thoroughly for an interview? Any advice?

Advice on: Volunteering, Internships or College admission interviews

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Pearl616 views

How do I begin going out on my own when I have absolutely no friends?

As someone who has no friends, I feel ashamed of going out. I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is. It's not that I don't want to have fun and meet people, but I am afraid. I hate that I don't really have friends. I think learning these skills will help me develop soft skills such as communication and confidence, which will help me from a career perspective.

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Yodenni325 views

What major should I choose if I don’t know what I want to do?

I’m interested in various things and very confused on which one I should pick because they all fall under different fields.

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laura387 views

How can I manage my time in school?

How can I manage my time in school when I still have extra curricular activities waiting for me and side job or gigs I have to hussle out for money again?

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carmen467 views

what is the best career path to take?

career path tips

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Nabeel309 views

What should I consider when creating a resume?

I want to know more about writing up resumes for when I apply for a job

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Mark567 views

Will I get opportunities to shift across technologies in IT companies like IBM, Capgemini?

In my internship, I got to work across a couple of tech.. Can I do that in large IT companies or will they make me stick to a random tech ?

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Oscar514 views

What is something that can help me figure out the career path I would want?

I really enjoy things that i can focus and get into the zone in and i just need to figure out what those things are

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Josiah381 views

Does it really matter where you go to college?

I plan to major in piano and voice performance with a minor in psychology, and then start private music lessons. Does it matter where I go to college, or should I try to get into one that is more prestigious in the realm of music performance? I kind of want to go to a Christian college that is closer to home, but obviously they aren't really known for music performance so I'm just wondering what I should do.

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Stephen483 views

can i learn new skills in one month?

can i learn new skills in one month?

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Maxwell580 views

How to start a career in accounting ?

How to start a career in accounting ?

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Jaeyeong499 views

I don't know what to do in college?

I am a 16-year-old Korean who dropped out of high school and took the high school graduation test. I want to start a beverage business in the future. I want to do business in the U.S. or abroad, not here in Korea. I am currently wondering which college major I should choose. Should I go to business administration or chemistry? I don't know if I should go to college or go to art school because I'm interested in graphic design. I would appreciate it if you could give me great advice. Also, what should a Korean do to start a business in the U.S. or other foreign countries? I want to study in the U.S., but my family is an ordinary middle-class family. American tuition is too expensive

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Grace284 views

How to choose a better career?

How can make a good decision when choosing a career

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