York Springs, Pennsylvania
What opportunities are there for high school students in Pennsylvania to learn ?
Looking for technology training
Hi there! I'm looking for a profession that I can write user manuals for software, make tip sheets, Evergreens, knowledge base articles, etc. I have experience in this just from working in previous jobs, but would like to know where I'd be able to get infi to do this exclusively without having to start my own business. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
Hi there! I'm looking for a profession that I can write user manuals for software, make tip sheets, Evergreens, knowledge base articles, etc. I have experience in this just from working in previous jobs, but would like to know where I'd be able to get infi to do this exclusively without having...
How do other people get so good at photography?
How do other people get so good at photography? I want to learn how take beautiful photos and I want to be a photographer but I have no idea where to start and how I can improve
How do you know what could be your dream job
I have a lot of different hobbies but how do I know which one could be for me in the future? And how do I know if I need to change career paths.
How do I know what to do to get a job?
I'm 15 years old in high school and I've been looking for a job since my sophomore year, so I'm trying to get a job for my senior year. I found options and started taking action for them (i.e. finding employers with available jobs and emailing them), but I don't really feel prepared enough for...
What are good colleges in Pennsylvania for pursuing a genetic counseling career? Are online college courses possibly a better, more affordable, option?
I'm an 11th grade high school student just curious on how to wisely start my career path, with the thought of affordability, and later debt in mind. Traveling too far for college seems like a hassle as well. Possibly, I could find some good advice on this?
How can I find and communicate with an engineer for an interview for my high school?
I am looking for someone to interview for my high school engineering academy. I’m interested in mechanical, electrical, and engineering physics but I am happy to interview any engineer. The interview would be online and we could discuss the time that works best for you. If anyone could give me...
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