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Ollie Jones

Retired Software Developer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
93 Answers
166524 Reads
806 Karma


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Katia’s Avatar
Katia Feb 11, 2017 1147 views

Is it better to intern with a professor in a research lab or at a research company?

I'm a high schooler who would like to find an internship in the field of biomedical research, but I don't know if I should be inquiring professors or companies in that field. #biology #internships #research #biomedical-engineering #internship #biomedical #biotechnology

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 1083 views

How do you make a good impression when volunteering?

Where I volunteer is a pretty impersonal place. I just go in unnoticed and barely get acknowledged by any staff. I understand that the staff is both busy and tired (this is an animal ER). I don't want to interrupt them, but how can I make good relations? The program offers letters of...

Jackie’s Avatar
Jackie Jan 12, 2017 6256 views

What information should I include in a cover letter?

When applying to a job that requires a resume and a cover-letter, what information should I include in the cover letter so that I don't 'repeat' what's on my resume? #college #career #internships #interviews #volunteering #cover-letters #job-application

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1547 views

What is the difference between a profit and non-profit university/college?

I have heard both terms but don't understand the significance behind them. I know that some scholarships only apply to schools if they are either profit or non-profit but I still don't understand why. Why is there such a difference? #college #university #higher-education #nonprofits #profit

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 29, 2016 914 views

What are some ways of getting connections while you're in college?

Making connections is very important and something everyone should be doing. Not sure how and where to start networking though. #university #internships #college-bound #networking

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 1982 views

Am I supposed to change my resume depending on the job I am applying to or is it better to be consistent in my applications?

I am currently working really hard on my resume! I have taken it to workshops on my college campus and formatted it into many drafts. I am wondering if I should be changing it, what it says, or the way it is formatted slightly for each job based off of the context of the job I am applying to....

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 29, 2016 1184 views

Do job recruiters actually contact all the references I give them?

I have had many small jobs over the summer, including lifeguarding and camp counselor. Many of my bosses in those jobs probably would not have much to say about me and I think that some of my professors at school or my swim coach would be better references. But they are not my boss and I have...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Dec 25, 2016 1101 views

What are some ways of getting experience in Computer Science (an internship) before college without having prior knowledge on how to code and other sorts of knowledge relevant in the field?

I'm currently in 12th grade and looking for internships but a majority require some knowledge and usually require you to already have a Bachelors. I'm trying to get experience before I enter college and is hard to do so I'll have a better understanding as I take the Computer Science course....

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Dec 06, 2016 1392 views

If I want to start a non-profit organization, what would be the best for me to study in college?

One of my goals in life would be to create a very nice, well organized shelter to help with the homeless. I want to be able to provide more then the current homes and soup kitchens, ect. are providing. I have a few people who I know will be willing to help and invest in this, but that does not...

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Nov 27, 2016 5028 views

Is taking a semester off for an internship a good choice?

As part of my school's Accounting and Taxation Honor Program, there is a requirement to take the winter semester of our senior year off for an internship. This internship will give me an insight into the accounting field as well as possibly landing me a job after college. All my financial aid...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Oct 31, 2016 838 views

Wilk a computer programmijng degree allow me to help work on video games ?

I once saw a listing from Sony Computer Entertainment America asking for a Computer Programmer and I'm wondering what role one would play in game development. #software #programming #software-development

aishwarya’s Avatar
aishwarya May 06, 2016 1062 views

how to develop our knowledge in the greatest professional Leader?

How to improve the knowledge in best and great leader in the software job #software #leader

jesus’s Avatar
jesus May 17, 2016 1007 views

Are there any engineering positions that are both hard and software?

What are some of the titles that would fit that description? #engineering #engineer #software #hardware

Hilda’s Avatar
Hilda May 26, 2016 1232 views

What kind of careers can a degree in sociology lead to?

I like the topic of sociology and am interested in the well being of the community at large, but am unsure of how I might apply this degree. #sociology #political-science #nonprofits

David’s Avatar
David May 04, 2016 1202 views

What are the chances of being a successful freelance Computer scientist?

I'm studying computer science and I want to know my options when i graduate #computer-science #software #programmer #computer-programmer