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David Menard’s Avatar

David Menard

Graduated from Concordia University
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Los Angeles, California
22 Answers
34838 Reads
59 Karma


Civic Duty

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Paul’s Avatar
Paul Dec 17, 2016 7521 views

Can someone proofread my college transfer essay?

Essay prompt: Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve. You can type directly into the box, or you can paste text from another source. (250-650 words) I have always challenged myself academically, I have taken advanced...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley May 21, 2016 1152 views

What's one good piece of advice you'd give to an actor to be successful during college?

I feel like I don't know enough about what it takes to succeed college as an actor. I want to be successful in and out of college. Actors have a hard road ahead of them but it would be great to know the best things for the actor to do to achieve both professional and personal success. Thank...

vinay kanth’s Avatar
vinay kanth May 03, 2016 1341 views

I want to become a film actor , what are process for it?

I have completed SSLC, Interested in acting

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle May 16, 2016 1198 views

How difficult is it to obtain a major in film and media?

I'm majoring in film studies. #film #television

Leion’s Avatar
Leion Sep 04, 2016 1452 views

How do I become an actor?

Where are the best schools for acting, can anyone help me with this? #film #theatre #actor #film-production #film-acting #actors #actoruniversity

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Aug 22, 2016 1288 views

Do film studies majors cover the production side of film?

Several colleges i have looked at don't have film production as a major which i would prefer, however they have film studies. Would a film studies major still cover the technical and production side of film? #film #film-production

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Aug 19, 2016 1086 views

What can/ should i do while i am still in high school to help prepare me for a career in film or broadcasting?

I am planning on taking a course in one of the two once i enter college and pursue a career within the major i choose. I am wondering i can do to prepare and for this and gain more knowledge and experience in either. #film #film-production #broadcast-television #sports-broadcasting

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Jun 14, 2016 1353 views

What are some good jobs to get as a teenager?

I've never had a real job before, other than babysitting. It's hard to fill out a resume when you don't have any experience, and I'm not sure where to start. Some of my interests include theatre, running (track and field), and writing, so any jobs involving these things would probably be great...

Eliah’s Avatar
Eliah Jun 01, 2016 1308 views

I am interested in Reading and Language Arts. What careers would fit me?

I am not sure what I want to do for a career. #writing #reading #language-arts

leah’s Avatar
leah May 27, 2016 1069 views

Is it appropriate to network online?

I want to work in the field of journalism and the coolest thing about this industry is that it's already accessible to me. It's so easy to find writers that I admire and follow them on social media. Often I have questions about the websites they write for or I'm just interested in things they...

Liya’s Avatar
Liya May 27, 2016 1214 views

Is it a good idea to get a journalism degree if you're not so sure you want to be a journalist?

My college has a great journalism major, but I'm not sure yet if I want to stick with journalism as my career path. I know I want to do something writing-related, but that could include newspapers, magazines, scripts, blogging, publishing, editing, even copyediting is something I'm interested...

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 26, 2016 1260 views

What careers can I get with an English Degree?

English is the major I am pursuing in college. I like reading and writing. #professor #university #graduate #writing #english

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan May 26, 2016 1394 views

How would one go about pursuing writing while pursuing mathematic/scientific majors?

I love to write, and I want to do much with it (perhaps like Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner and their freakonomics books), but I'm pursuing degrees in statistics and earth sciences. How might I manage to still forge a semi career out of those fields? Of course, the obvious, do the...

Charles’s Avatar
Charles May 22, 2016 1097 views

How do I properly convey my filmmaking visions, and to whom?

Independent filmmaking is taking the world by storm, the internet age promoting positive advertisement, wild kickstarter projects, and a wide berth for viewing. I have so many ideas for feature-length documentaries and narrative shorts, ideas solidified in scripts and outlines. I'm simply not...

Jaslene ’s Avatar
Jaslene May 18, 2016 1013 views

What is a specific major for acting, directing, and writing for theater & television

I want to major in all of the things above when I go to college 🤓 #writing #english #actor #television #theater #directing

Ciara’s Avatar
Ciara May 19, 2016 1107 views

What sort of careers can be found involving writing with a communication degree?

I have always had a knack for writing, but I'm not sure I want to be a journalist. What other types of careers might there be like that? #communications #writing #communication

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 19, 2016 1888 views

How does a PhD program work as opposed to a Masters program? What does it entail?

Hi, I'm an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Spanish Translation & Interpretation and I'm interested in pursuing a Doctorate after I graduate. However, I've heard a number of different explanations of what a PhD program entails and I am honestly so...

Valerie’s Avatar
Valerie May 17, 2016 1511 views

Should I focus on one genre if I want to become a writer?

I have tried at both fiction and poetry, and I have found out that I like writing fiction more than I like writing poetry. Should I focus on fiction or try and become better at poetry if I want to be a successful writer? #art #writing #creative #english-composition

viviana’s Avatar
viviana May 17, 2016 1052 views

Is the only way to have a career based off writing stories to be a self-employed author?

is there anything else I can do where I specifically write fiction as a career? #writing #author #self-employed

Benny’s Avatar
Benny May 15, 2016 2129 views

What are some tips/advice on taking multiple heavy writing courses in college?

I am going into my junior year as an architecture major. I have been taking classes that do not require much writing. However, I will be taking three writing based classes (Greek Civilization, Junior Writing, Medieval Art History) and I am afraid it will be too much writing for me. Is there any...

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna May 13, 2016 1334 views

I really love to write, but I heard the journalism field is hard to get into. Where should I start?

I am thinking about majoring in journalism at Kansas University but I want to know if it's going to be worth my time. I really enjoy writing stories and designing pages for my school's newspaper. #journalism #writing #news #newspaper

Helana’s Avatar
Helana May 16, 2016 969 views

What does it take to become a travel writer?

I am wondering how to become a successful travel writer. Are there any tips? #writing #travel