Career questions tagged arts

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Sayra647 views

What are differences between Painting and Drawing?

please answer quickly as possible.

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Aliz240 views

What is it like to do art?

I love to do art it is nice and relaxing

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Yew Kin522 views

Advice for someone with a strong passion for the creative industry without being good in Art previously?

I have a very strong inclination towards advertising, graphic design, photography and videography, and other art forms. Yet, I have not obtained the best grades in Art during school. Does that mean that I am not creative or can't survive in the creative industry?

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Bella434 views

How creative do you get to be as a graphic designer while still following your client's requests?

I am in 10th grade, and I have family members that are in graphic design so it has always interested me.

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Tanner jay221 views

What kind of training do we need for Culture Arts media ?

i am a freshman in Waimea high school and for my pathway i wanna do culture arts media but i don't know what kind training i need

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Alivia477 views

Any artists willing to be interviewed?

I have a school project and part of it is interviewing someone from my chosen field. I want to be a fine artist, and would appreciate it if any fine artists/artists in general would be willing to answer my questions. If you are able to, please answer the following questions. Thanks in advance! 1. When did you first decide that you wanted to work as an artist? 2. How long have you been working as an artist? 3. Would you say it’s an easy job? 4. Did you go to an art college or get some form of education for this career? If so, what school did you go to? 5. How has your art career been so far? 6. What is your motivation for making art? 7. Where do you get your inspiration for your artwork? 8. What materials do you use? Do you stick to a few specific ones or do you like to branch out? 9. Does art help you with other skills in life? 10. What have been your favorite and least favorite parts about being an artist? 11. Have you ever collaborated with other artists? If so, what was it like? 12. What advice would you give to any aspiring artists out there?

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Georgia286 views

What are some career opportunities for someone majoring in Visual Arts and Technology and Psychology?

I am double majoring in Visual Arts and Technology and Social Sciences with a concentration in Psychology. I hope to have a concentration in creative programming within my arts major. What are some careers I can look into? I am interested in UI/UX Design, Neuropsychology, and Graphic Design

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Laura575 views

How do I get started as an illustrator/graphic designer?

Hi! I'm a lifelong artist currently recovering from my engineering day job and the toll it's taken on my mental health. (Mechanical Engineering grad, 2-ish years into my career). I've finally gotten to a point where I'm ready to take the plunge and look for a more creative career. I'm totally lost on where to go from there, though. I would absolutely love to illustrate books but I don't think I'm ready to fully shift to freelance work. What other career options should I explore that are similar but a little more stable? (And ideally include healthcare, lol) What programs/certifications should I prioritize? What should I include in my portfolio? Thanks in advance :) please feel free to leave any other advice you have for me!

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Mary Shelton316 views

How do I get the best of both worlds?

How do I follow a career involving art, yet still pays well? All of the occupations considering art that I have found have a low pay-grade. I want to be able to do art for my job, but I also don't want to have to worry about a low income. Are there any art-related jobs that pay well?

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Pyper808 views

How do I get better at art

I have been doing art for years but every time I try to get better it always looks like I've gotten worse and my our teacher has even failed me for a couple pieces because I'm not putting my best effort even though I am it's just because I'm declining and skill so I need tips and tricks on how to get better at Art even though I was really I thought it was really good cuz I was getting good grades

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Stella504 views

What jobs have you gotten as an art director?

How hard is it to find a job as an art director? Also what companies have you worked for if you are an art director?

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Angel556 views

How do i figure out what i want to do as a job?

I'm interested in artsy things

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zion1377 views

where do i start if i want to be an actress?

I want to be an actress/model, How would you recommend getting into the entertainment with zero experience or very little? Where do i start and what connections should i make??

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Sam482 views

How long do y have to be in school for art ?

Do people’s see your art ? Can they bye it ?

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sebastian644 views

how long does it take to be good at making art?

i feel like ive started too late in learning a new skill. there are many artist who can make amazing drawing or animations that are 5 years younger than me i feel like i started to late. so how long will it take me to get better?

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yes549 views

Would committing to art and graphic design (as a career path) be a reliable option?

Would committing to art and graphic design (as a career path) be a reliable option? And if not, are there alternatives so i can still do what i love?

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Ivy343 views

What is the hardest part of being an artist?

What is the hardest part of being a fine artist?

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aubrey430 views

what do i need to do to get into a art career?

i am 13 years old in 7th grade and im interested in art.

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Abby1004 views

What is the highest paying job if I want to go into in the art field?

I’m a 17 year old artist and was wondering where to head for a good paying art field job

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Isaiah411 views

How can I get more involved in film/the entertainment industry while still in high school?

I will be a sophomore in a couple months. I already selected electives such as video production(mainly works on my school’s tv show) and animation for this upcoming year and I took “intro to acting” last school year. I’m also in stage crew for our play and musical. I want to gain more experience and I know that these will help but I want to be involved outside of just classes. What’s the next step that I should be taking to get involved and gaining experience?

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Abigail523 views

What are your best tips on building a career as an artist?

I have definitely started building my career by doing commissions, building an email list, getting in my community with art fairs, and hosting my own painting workshops.

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Akera367 views

"how is it possible that I get better art lesson?

I want to start doing art more it's my fav.

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Oak405 views

Career paths for artist/interior design?

What should I do as a career if I'm interested in art and interior design?

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Oak387 views

Career paths for artist/interior design

What should I do as a career if I'm interested in art and interior design?

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Zyamarie2539 views

how long does it take to become a Art therapist?

Im interested in the mental health and the arts i have been really thinking about becoming art therapist but i don't know how long it will take and degree?

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Cher'Micah398 views

How many hours do professional dancers, dance?

I know some professionals teach dance, but I also know that they take dance classes, etc. So, I'm just curious on how many hours they teach or take of dance.

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ryan306 views

How do I ensure I have a good audition process/ what should I be sure to focus on when auditioning for the acting program, like accents, improv, things like that?

How do I ensure I have a good audition process/ what should I be sure to focus on when auditioning for the acting program, like accents, improv, things like that?

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V285 views

What are some careers that I can go into after I graduate with a Bachelors in Illustration?

I am going to be an Illustration major at School of Visual arts. I am currently unsure of different careers that I can go into.

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Amzar786 views

What are some important factos to consider when choosing a career path after high school, and how can I determine which caareer would be the best fit for my skills, interests, and long - term goals?

My favorite type of classes are those that deal with art

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Saul337 views

What is it like being an architect?

what path should i follow to make sure i become a great architect? Is there a good work life balance? what is it like to work with clients to make a good design for a building?

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