Angella chepchirchir

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I want to be a pro athlete; do I really need college/to pick a major?
Note: this question is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

Which (foreign) languages are in demand right now?
Note: this is part of our Professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

How important is research if you want to go to grad school?
Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

What grade is best to teach?
How did you know what grade you wanted to teach? Is there a specific group that’s easiest to teach?

How can I better prepare myself for the questions that are likely to be asked in my first interview and start building a repertoire of eligibility requirements for the engineering field, especially catering towards robotics/mechanical engineering?
I am a part of an FRC team (we recently went to the World Championship :)
I am a junior in high school
I am a part of a VEX team where we made it to states.
I would love to pursue a career in engineering, especially relating to mechanical or robotics design.

I am an incoming junior in high school. I love working with kids but also want to see if I have an interest for the medical field. I also want to have a good work life balance. What can I do to help achieve this as a career path?
I 16 and an incoming junior in high school

Should I do consulting?
I'm an Industrial Engineering major and thinking about going into consulting, but im worried I'd be missing out on something if I don't take a more technical role. Am I limiting my career options by moving directly into consulting and not starting in a technical role first?

What was the hardest part about becoming a sonographer?
Like was the school hardest, the programs, new people, learning it , actually starting your job, ect. I’m running out of ideas but I need the points

How do you get a policy job in DC?
I want to major in Political Science, and I have been thinking about going to law school. However, I don't necessarily want to do law but instead I want to do policy. I don't really want to do state politics but instead I want to do national politics. So, who should I try to internship with or...

whats the highest-paying welding job in SF?
searching up info, talking to people in that trade, pamphlets

How can I start psychology in high school and at the same time do fashion design?
I don't think my high school offers psychology

How can I start a career in the blockchain sector after studying finance?
I love finance and the investment sector. Also, I love technology like artificial intelligence and blockchain, so I would like to work in finance-related work that is also related to artificial intelligence and blockchain.

What are environmental outdoorsy jobs?
My mom used to work at a local nature center when in was younger and so I've always been interested in that kind of thing. I took biology last year and it re-ignited my interest in that field and I plan on taking local ecology next year.