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Holly Z.’s Avatar

Holly Z.

Professional Business Support/ IT, Networking
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Los Angeles, California
131 Answers
566290 Reads
2682 Karma


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Simran ’s Avatar
Simran Apr 22, 2014 1461 views

What is the average amount of loans students have to pay off at the end of their bachelor degree?

I am a high school senior and am deciding between going to a private university or a state university. If I decide to attend the private school, I would need to take out some loans, and I was wondering what the average loan looks like for a student pursuing a bachelor degree, so I can get a...

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 23, 2014 2492 views

Should I do art as a career or just as a hobby?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I am very interested in art. However, I also really enjoy other subjects like math and science. I wanted to know what the pros and cons would be of going to an art college and majoring in art. Also, what would be the pros and cons of focusing on something in...

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 22, 2014 1488 views

What majors are available for people who want a career backstage rather than on one?

I'm a senior in high school and am trying to decide what to major in in college. I enjoy working backstage at theatrical performances, but I don't want to major in theater. I know there are careers in costume design, set design, stage manager, etc... but I don't know what majors could help me...

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 22, 2014 2900 views

what are some careers that work with animals but don't require a degree from veterinary school?

I love being around animals and I think being a vet sounds like it would be really good for me but I'm not sure I want to spend an extra four years in college and lots of extra money. Any ideas for other careers that might be fulfilling to me? #college #major #veterinarian #animals

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 22, 2014 4036 views

UC Davis vs Cornell University for a pre-vet track?

I was accepted to UC Davis for animal biology and to Cornell University for animal science. I know both are very good schools for veterinarians and have highly rated and ranking vet schools and programs. I have heard that Cornell is a bit more hands on work and there is a lot of opportunity for...

Meng’s Avatar
Meng Apr 09, 2014 1599 views

How often do you get promoted when working for an investment bank?

I'm a junior in high school. #money #investment #dinero #promotion #banks #often

Dulce’s Avatar
Dulce Apr 09, 2014 2003 views

What career field has the best financial benefits offered, besides doctor and lawyer?

I am a junior in high school and am interested in finding out more about what fields I can make some big time money in. #finance #money #career-paths #careers

Marvin’s Avatar
Marvin Apr 14, 2014 2014 views

Is there any great entrepreneurial books ?

I'm looking for book to read about staring a business and what the essential things to get it started. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur

Ann’s Avatar
Ann Apr 09, 2014 3053 views

What are the different Fields of Dentistry?

I want to be a dentist and I think I want to be a pediatric dentist, but I want to make sure I know all the other types. #career-paths #dentistry #dentist #dental-hygienist #dental #pediatric-dentistry

Desi’s Avatar
Desi Apr 08, 2014 1337 views

How do I get people to invest in my business?

I was thinking about starting a business but couldn't figure out how i would get people to invest in my business. #investing #e-business #investor

Roanne’s Avatar
Roanne Apr 09, 2014 1675 views

How easy is it to find a job as a pharmacist after college?

I am looking at different career options and wondered about finding a job as a pharmacist? #career #pharmacy #pharmacist

Briana’s Avatar
Briana Apr 09, 2014 2187 views

What is the average work day for a medical examiner?

I am looking to go to school to become a Forensic Scientist and I'm not sure what field I want to specify in. #career #medicine #biology #chemistry #forensic-scientists #examiner

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Apr 09, 2014 1547 views

What are major obstacles pharmacists face?

I am a Jr. in Highschool and Im looking into becoming a pharmacist. #medicine #pharmacy #pharmacists

MiKayla’s Avatar
MiKayla Apr 09, 2014 2055 views

If you intern at a hospital as a nurse do you let you stay once you internship is done or do they make you leave?

I am a junior in high school and I would like to be an oncology nurse. #nurse #internship #hospital #residency

Mariangeliz’s Avatar
Mariangeliz Apr 09, 2014 1080 views

How long does it usually take to start your business and comfortably run it ?

I just want to know an estimated time that it takes to learn everything you need to learn about business and then start on your own #business