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Judy Flanagan’s Avatar

Judy Flanagan

Marketing Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Alpharetta, Georgia
13 Answers
19669 Reads
16 Karma

Active Locations

Dayalis’s Avatar
Dayalis Nov 08, 2019 2001 views

What is JavaScript ?

#technology #programmer #programming #tech #computer

Candace’s Avatar
Candace Apr 14, 2019 1130 views

Who am I? What am I doing here?

I am struggling with my own individual identity and I have so many career questions. I want to be an astronaut but sometimes I just want to be a policeman. No one really knows what they want to do honestly but I think I might just skip college and be an alien. #astronaut #mars #womenintech...

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Apr 28, 2019 841 views

Is a graphic design major worth more than a communication major ?

#college #advice #major #communication #graphicdesign #college-major #design #art #college-major #video-game-design

Rodriquez’s Avatar
Rodriquez Apr 23, 2019 511 views

what's it's like working with green markerters


Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Mar 05, 2019 599 views

What would you say the overall goal of technology is for this generation?

Knowing that this generation is well fond of technology, how far would you say developers would go to make technology advanced than it already is for this generation? #technology #engineer #computer #tech #programming

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Apr 25, 2016 13760 views

What should you study if you're a girl and want to work in tech?

Is it harder for girls to work in technology than boys? #technology #tech #women-in-tech

tochukwu’s Avatar
tochukwu Apr 20, 2019 630 views

what are the recent cutting edge technology as regards to data science


Jimena’s Avatar
Jimena Apr 12, 2019 751 views

What are some good schools to become a doctor?

#doctor #college #technology #medicine

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Apr 28, 2019 769 views

I dunno what to major in art history, graphic design or communication. I really wanna be an art director but I dont want to drop either of the 3 subjects. What's more worth? Which subjects should I major and which should I minor? And does minoring also worth as much as majoring when you apply for jobs? And how expensive is it to minor 2?

#college #advice #major #minor #communication #media #communication #art #arthistory #grqphicdesign #university #fine-att #college-major #college-minor #design #college-minor #college-major

Reese’s Avatar
Reese Apr 23, 2019 663 views

If my strengths are my communication and hobbies are basketball and collecting shoes, what types of career or industries might best fit me?

#career-choice #communication

Rodriquez’s Avatar
Rodriquez Apr 23, 2019 553 views

what's the selling process like?


cam’s Avatar
cam Apr 23, 2019 693 views

if my strengths are honesty and hobbies are gaming,what types of carrers or industries might best fit me?

#career #business #gaming #technology

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Apr 16, 2019 987 views

Best Military College Option?

I want to become an officer in the military. I don't want to enlist. ROTC only pays the last two years of my college. That being said, what's my best option? 1.) Attend college then go to OCS: (Would attend college with my friends out of state, but the college is more expensive) 2.) Attend ROTC...