Christian’s Career Goals
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What's it like being a real estate agent?
What's an average day like? What's the average pay and hours of a real estate agent? Do you enjoy your job?
#real-estate #house #career #home #sales #job #occupation #salary #average-day

What summer trip is going to look best on college and job applications?
I can either do a Summer Seminar at one of the service academies (USAFA, USMA, USNA), FLC at Norwich University, or a 16-day Humanitarian Trip (Probably a HEFY trip). #college #job #career #college-advice #job-search #resume #humanitarian #military #job-application #networking #academy #efy...

Do companies view some military branches as better than others?
Who are you most likely to hire? Marine, Airman, or Soldier? #chef #army #military #travel #marine #fbi #soldier #air-force #space-force #college #career #college #engineering #career #computer-science #medicine #science #technology #engineer #tech #college-major #education #biology #any #math...

How will colleges view my academic profile?
So I accepted the apprenticeship for the rail company. But the problem is that it's every other day. (My school is set up as an A/B day with different classes on either day. So I go to the apprenticeship one day, and go to school the other.) So I can't take all the classes I want to. It looks...

How do companies view military service?
When hiring, do companies view military service as a good or bad thing? If it it a good thing, what branch looks best? Marines, Army, Army National Guard, Air Force, Air National Guard, Navy, Coast Guard? And does it look better to have been an enlisted or officer? (I'm guessing the best...

Do you really need to take high school classes in preparation to college?
Do you need to take relevant high school classes to your major in college, or will college teach you everything you need to know?
#college #student #college-major #high-school #time-management #college-bound #major #engineering #physics #chemistry #biology #calculus #science #technology #math

Chinese vs German
I'm trying to decide what language I want to take for high school. As I've talked about before, I've been thinking about taking a train apprenticeship. The rail company is based in Switzerland, and a lot of their instructions are in German. So if I take German, it would help me get my foot in...

Should I take small engine repair?
My school has a semester elective called small engine repair. I learn to tune up and fix small engines like ATVs, motorcycles, lawn mowers, etc. Once the class is over, I would be able to fix small engines around my neighborhood, where I can get really good money. But then I will have to take a...

Do rigorous classes prepare you for the ACT, or will I need a prep class?
Do Honors/AP/College classes prepare you enough for the ACT, or will I need a prep class? I'm trying to figure out if I should try to fit an ACT Prep class into my schedule. Thanks! #college #student #nurse #nursing #classes #university #act #ap #rigorous #science #technology #engineering #math...

Do colleges take rigor into account when giving Merit/Academic Scholarships?
For Merit/Academic Scholarships, is it better to get an A in a normal class, or a B in an Honors/AP/College class?
#college #scholarship #college-advice #financial-aid #money #student #ap #academic #merit #honors #act #sat #career #college-admissions

Should I Quit Band?
So, there's a lot of problems. My band only has about 20 people. 1 out of our four middle schools are sending up new freshmen to our band. I've also started losing interest in band. Most kids in band are either new/inexperienced, or they just don't practice, and don’t care. Most kids are just...

Should high school be fun?
Should I take classes that are hard, and will prep me for college and career, or should I wait for college to teach me what I need to know, and take fun classes in high school? So that way I'm not so stressed with athletics, extracurriculars, and my job? #college #education #high-school...

Best Military College Option?
I want to become an officer in the military. I don't want to enlist. ROTC only pays the last two years of my college. That being said, what's my best option? 1.) Attend college then go to OCS: (Would attend college with my friends out of state, but the college is more expensive) 2.) Attend ROTC...

Are ACT Prep Classes really that helpful?
I need an ACT score of at least 30 to get into a military academy. From my PSAT score, I'll probably get a 28. Will an ACT Prep class actually raise my score by two points or more? Thanks! #college #military #military #act #art #physics #air-force #navy #marines #theater #act #career #test...

Debate vs AP Literature and Composition
In my school instead of a Language Arts Class, you can take Debate. Would it be better to be on Debate and the Debate team, or should I stick with a hard class like APLAC? I also have the option of taking college English or Business Communications. What's the option for college applications?...