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Fen1024 views

How much training is needed in order to become a food scientist?

For an average food scientist since I am interested in the science field.

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Sophie416 views

Do you need Spanish credits to pursue a career in Culinary Arts.?

I've taken Spanish 1 and want to know if Culinary School requires any kind of foreign language classes.

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Jalaa276 views

What strategies do you use to deal with Patents who are anxious or inconsolable about their child’s prognosis?

I’m a Highschool Student trying to figure out how to become a PN

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Sylvia526 views

Which classes would be the most beneficial for me to take?

I am interested in becoming a Speech Language Pathologist and I want to take dual enrollment classes next year because presently I'm in 10th grade.

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Anna254 views

What are some of the unpleasant parts of working as a school Speech Language Pathologist?

It is a big decision to become a speech pathologist at the beginning of college and was wondering what are the not as fun parts of being a speech pathologist.

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lvictor1143 views

how can students be more informed and educated on financial literacy?

many students of today are facing financial obstacles considering that they have bad credit,which comes from mistakes of credit card use,student loans,and financially illiterate.#personal-finance

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Bao-Truc1670 views

How can I manage my finances in college?

I don't have any financial knowledge on how I should be handling my money in college and I am not able to rely on my parents or ask them for help on such things. #JULY20 #collegestudent #finances #help

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CareerVillage Office Hours1172 views

How much time does it really take to pay off student debt?

Office Hours #4: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Mark Eagle This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was preparing for life after high school. If you answer this question, we will reach out to the students who attended this office hours session to inform them of your response, and all students on CareerVillage will benefit. If you would be interested in hosting an office hours session on a particular topic, please reach out to our staff! #debt #loans #money #finances #student-loans #paying-for-college

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ruby453 views

how can i be able to manage my finances?

finance tips

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ferran283 views

how to be an active listener?

listen carefuly

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Lucion328 views

How long does it usually take to become an Architect?

I'm curious to see how long it might take to become one.

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Aiyana349 views

W What are the steps I can take to become a neonatologists how long will it take me to reach my goal?

I've always wanted to get into the nursing field and help babies/toddlers since I was younger I've always loved the thought of helping people or saving them I just want to understand how id get into this field.

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Mustapha279 views

How do I know which is right?

How do I know the right career path for me? I am sophomore student trying yo navigate through life, Please help with good advices so that I can plan my future.

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Lemuel277 views

How do I get into architectural school?

I am an eleventh grader really passionate about architectural drawings and structures .I am an active member of the arts and crafts club school and also the mathematical club .

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kendra414 views

What were the steps that you took in order to get a job in pediatrics?


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Kimberly425 views

How can I become a pediatrician?

What steps do I need to achieve in order to become a pediatrician?

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Brook515 views

How to start an art project ?

How do you start an art project like how do you know what yo make what happens if it looks bad do you just throw it away or to you keep it and sell it to make money

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Stephen354 views

What is a career ?

Okay I’m sort of confused need some assistance on this

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kendra515 views

Did you face any barriers to entering the pediatric field?


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Haddy880 views

How do you take a GAP year?

#gap-year #college #graduation #college-prep #life-transitions

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Samantha861 views

How different is real life from college?

Does college prepare you tot take care of yourself in the 'real world'? Are the skills I learn here pertinent to life after and if not what resources can I pursue to help me in life? #college-advice #college #graduation #young-adults #life-skills #life-transitions

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Rebekah882 views

What is something you wish someone would have told you before heading off to college?

I'm asking because going to college can be a big change and I want to prepare in any way I can. #college #life-transitions #college-advice

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Yaasmin313 views

If you could start over with any career choice, would you choose your current career as a Nurse again ?

Registered Nurse

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Kristina665 views

Transition from college to life?

Now that I've been accepted into college, I've started thinking a lot more about what's going to happen after I graduate college in four years. How do college seniors transition from dorm/campus life to moving off campus and starting a job? #life-transitions #college

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Erica1579 views

How do you limit procrastination?

I think this has been an issue tons of people have because procrastination makes us lose some big opportunities. What are some tips that could help out with procrastination and increase my motivation to work?

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Will268 views

What does an architectures day to day life look like?

What does an architectures day to day life look like? How demanding is the job?

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Hannah555 views

In the field of architecture, how does one know they are thinking outside of the box rather than just building the box?

I am a second year architecture student and struggle with the "never knowings" of architecture. #architecture

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Lizbeth5728 views

Whats the hardest part about being an architect?

Im really interested in architecture and i would like to know what type of challenges I'd face in this field of study. #architecture

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Olatunde201 views

How can I be a successful electrical engineer ?

How can I be a successful Electrical engineer

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RICHARD Lee366 views

What other "Branches" of the Electrical Career should I know?

I know there are powerlines and powerboxes, however, should there be other 'branches' of the electrical field that I should know about? Electrical with vehicles, or is that still part of the auto industry? Avionics have their seperate electrical field or don't?

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