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damilare’s Avatar
damilare Feb 16 553 views

What is an entrepreneur ?

What is an entrepreneur?

madelynn’s Avatar
madelynn Jul 02 371 views

what is the first step of becoming a event planner?

do i need to go to collage if so, what are the classes i need to take? after school what do need to to next?

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Jul 02 175 views

What can i choose as my career?

hi i'm in 8th grade...i love mathematics a lot and i want to explore career options specially in business that involves lots of numbers

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 05, 2016 1071 views

How do artists make money?

My friends say you can't make money off of art and I am very passionate about becoming an artist. #art #artist

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Mar 15, 2023 329 views

What kind of jobs are there that involves with art/drawing?

I am generally curious on what jobs there are that includes anything art related.

Hadeel’s Avatar
Hadeel Dec 19, 2022 545 views

Remote Job Search

What is the best way to search for remote jobs for Nutrition and Dietetics graduates who do not have an RD license?
Preferably in the field of nutrition education, public health, and research.

Roy’s Avatar
Roy Nov 17, 2022 861 views

how to make money fast and easy as a student?

I want to make money
a lot
and have no consequences

Raven’s Avatar
Raven Nov 12, 2022 668 views

What are some tips about becoming a photographer?

I was wondering about some tips about photography as I feel my career choices would intertwine.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Nov 10, 2022 473 views

Money while traveling.

How can I make a stable income while traveling?

Kooper’s Avatar
Kooper Nov 09, 2022 505 views

How to start out with art?

what are some first steps to doing art as a job? what are some things the beginners should know?

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jan 19, 2018 1100 views

Can you really go to college for free?

My family is middle class but still can't afford to send me to college. I can't afford loans and my family makes to much for financial aid. #moneyproblems

Landon’s Avatar
Landon Sep 28, 2021 410 views

What do you do for a living?

I am happy person. #music

Desiree’s Avatar
Desiree Feb 09, 2017 1153 views

Where are some good modeling agencies?

I am 15 years old , I stay in laurinburg nc. Two years ago that's what I only talked about becoming is a fashion model. I Would like to know about them modeling agencies so I can go ahead and maybe start looking now. #fashion-shows #model #modelling #modeling #fashion #fashion-industry

Katrina’s Avatar
Katrina Apr 16, 2021 749 views

How is it like to go for a Masters degree?

I know I want to go for a bachelors degree but I'm not sure if I should go for a masters. I want to know how hard or complicated it is to go for a masters degree. #degree

Evelynn’s Avatar
Evelynn Mar 18, 2021 555 views

is an animator salary good enough to live a comfortable life

#general #life #work #career