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Luke’s Avatar
Luke Apr 30 584 views

How to keep coming up with ideas for a sitcom series? #Spring 2024

I am 16 and writing a TV sitcom to make on my high school stage with sets, costumes, makeup and the lot. I am also the lead actor, the director and producing it. I have 21 episode ideas, the first two fully scripted. What is the best way to keep the creative juices flowing with a hectic high...

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Apr 29 344 views

How can teenagers realistically portray adults when acting? #Sping2024

I am a 16 year old interested in making my career in film acting, directing, writing, and producing. I am creating a TV sitcom set in 1950s New York. All of my actors will be high schoolers, who will be portraying adults. How can I sell the idea to distributors such as Tubi, even though adult...

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Apr 29 252 views

Did college help prepare you for your career ?

I'm a student going into college next year with an undecided career, and a criminal Justice major, and I want to know if college helped make a career choice.

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Apr 29 175 views

What is a good ideal business for a girl of 17 years old ?

I will love to know a very good ideal business for a 17 years old girl,that I can do while at home at my leisure time ,since I still go to school everyday

Md’s Avatar
Md Apr 28 289 views

How can i get a scolllarship?

I am a very good student. I am also from science background.

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Apr 28 310 views

What should I do if I want to be an Art Director?

Currently, I am a sophomore in high school, and I'm not sure what to major in or how to go on in my high school career! To preface what i have so far...I have two years of TV production experience, and was the head of my schools prom commitee for traditional art. This upcoming year, I'll be...

sienna’s Avatar
sienna Apr 28 326 views

As a freshman in high school, how can I gain working experience for psychology?

I take core classes in school, and outside of school I work alongside a non-profit organization to help cure depression

Ekpenyonganwan’s Avatar
Ekpenyonganwan Apr 27 151 views

What do I do to get a career in social work?

I will really like to help people plan their lives. That's why I really want to study social work and psychology. This will enable me to help people well.

Ten’s Avatar
Ten Apr 26 459 views

What are some factors I need to consider if I am a returning student interested in pursuing computer science degree?

I am an adult student, after years of being away from education I'd like to return and continue my education. I am also a first gen student. So, I am technically struggling to carve my path. I am interested in computer science. I am torn between online and on-campus education. I feel like...

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Apr 26 379 views

How would you describe work in a hospital?

I'm interested in nursing, but locations near me require students to be 18 in order to intern, so I don't know have very much experience in the environment. Any advice would be really appreciated!

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Apr 26 343 views

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?

Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO - Clinical Process Outsourcing) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to...

Josiah’s Avatar
Josiah Apr 26 308 views

What are some other options other than a double major?

For a while, I was planning on double majoring in voice and piano performance. Now I'm a bit worried that a double major might take up too much time. So what are some other options? I have much more experience in piano, but I would really like to get a degree in both? I'm not really sure what...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 25 204 views

What should my masters focus on?

As a psychology major minoring in criminal justice should my master's focus on psychology or criminal justice?

Abbey’s Avatar
Abbey Apr 25 553 views

What would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design ?

I'm currently a freshman in college majoring in Marketing with a minor in Design. I might also double major or minor in Real Estate.

My school doesn't offer an Interior Design major - what would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Apr 25 345 views

How can I decide whether to transition to elementary teaching from the mental health counseling profession?

For as long as I can remember, I have gone back and forth between the two careers. I even have master's degrees in both fields, so I am technically qualified to do either. I have only ever worked in the mental health field though. I never really made the jump to being an elementary teacher....