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Zephaniah’s Avatar
Zephaniah 2 days ago 200 views

What are the values your company upholds that makes the employers feel valued What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with? What steps should I take before going into the trade??

What are the values your company upholds that makes the employers feel valued? What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with?
What steps should I take before going into the trade?

sherlyn’s Avatar
sherlyn 2 days ago 383 views

is maa difficult ?

how much do medical administrative assistants make yearly

R shi’s Avatar
R shi yesterday 422 views

Can I be a FBI agent while studying medical ?

Can I be a FBI agent while studying medical?

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel yesterday 235 views

How should I set my career portfolio to continue my research?

How should I set my career portfolio to continue my research?

I would love to discover a macroscopic fifth force beyond gravity based on my research in the Grand Unified Theory of Physics, but to support my family, I currently work in business and strategic planning for an education company.

Rea’s Avatar
Rea 2 days ago 291 views

I finish my Bachelor this upcoming year and I have zero experience in anything. What should I do?

Hello everyone, I am Rea. Currently a student in Political Science. As I finish my Bachelor studies this upcoming year, the pressure has grown. I have zero experience. I have never worked, never done an internship, never participated in activities related to my field of study and I have never...

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Sep 17 712 views

Can I live off being a writer and or poet?

I am currently a freshman in high school and I was wondering this because I want to be prepared for what my future holds. Becoming a writer has always been my goal ever since I was younger.

Lanasia’s Avatar
Lanasia Sep 17 645 views

What Other Jobs?

What other jobs could I land near future if I do not want to become a Police Officer, because I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a Psychology minor. I love Criminal Law and Psychology because it focuses on the mental state of our well being individually?

Guivi’s Avatar
Guivi Sep 17 441 views

I would like to get a Job For IT weather it be Internship or entry level ?

where does one go to apply for internships and entry level jobs for cyber security that will actually hire you

Edosa’s Avatar
Edosa Sep 17 260 views

Should I be worried about honors algebra 2 and honors Spanish 2?

I’m a freshman in highschool, and have been for almost a month and a half now. The opportunity to switch to all honors classes + AP human geography has been presented to me and I am confident about most of my classes except for honors Algebra 2 and honors Spanish 2. I am not struggling at all...

Natasha’s Avatar
Natasha Sep 17 363 views

Should I be an OBGYN or a midwife?

I really want to be an OBGYN or midwife, but I don't know which one is more suited to what I want to work as. I am really caring and want to deliver babies and take care of the patients but I am also really interested in helping plan the delivery and checking up on the patient. Which would be...

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Sep 16 383 views

''How do I start my career as a Novelist and Poet''?

I'm in 9th Grade. I'm asking this because my goal is to become a Novelist. I've already written drafts of course, but I don't know where to start. So when I heard of this, I was hoping someone would be able to answer my question.

Jeter’s Avatar
Jeter Sep 16 146 views

where should I live to make the most money as a plumber ?

I'm a high school student in Vermont.

Raffi’s Avatar
Raffi Sep 16 446 views

What is the expected salary doing Fashion Design?

What is the expected salary doing Fashion Design?

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Sep 15 353 views

What is the best way to get in front of casting directors?

I have dance and theatre experience and am a performing artist. I took some time off and it is still my dream and passion to work in entertainment. I am 33 years old! College doesn't feel like the right fit at my age. I don't have transportation or much means to speak of. I was working as a...

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Sep 15 303 views

What is representation?

For performing artists, what are the key roles I should know about? I've heard for actors, it is about management but I've also heard these people called agents, or representation.

Emery’s Avatar
Emery Sep 14 382 views

How What should I do as a sophomore to get into a good college as someone who doesn’t have the best GPA and doesn’t have lots of financial resources to help them ?

I would like to go into the medical field and become a doctor of some sort. My top choice is a pediatric surgeon or a children psychologist. I do lots of clubs and play sports.

Nova’s Avatar
Nova Sep 13 522 views

How to know if cosmetology is right for me?

I want to be a cosmetologist so bad but I’m not sure if it the right thing for me and I don’t know much about it and I would like to learn more from people that have experience

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Sep 13 210 views

What is a good college for acting/performance arts?

I wanna act :)

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Sep 13 272 views

What should I know before going into college for a vet technician ?

I'm in my sophomore year of high school. My favorite subjects in school are science and English. I volunteer at an animal rescue I go every Sunday 1:00 to 3:00. I love going there because it lets me give all the animals love and seeing them happy always makes me happy

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Sep 13 426 views

I want a scholarship to MIT for engineering, what can I do to help work towards that?

I enjoy maths, but not reading, I want to be an part time actress and an engineer to accomplish both of my dreams.

Camari’s Avatar
Camari Sep 13 397 views

I'm a sophomore in high-school and now that i'm getting closer to college I'm realizing my choice of career path seemed to broad and i'd like to have a career as child-advocate lawyer things such as helping troubled children or children/teens in dangerous situations or mental well being Harvard had always been the number one university for me because it's the best law school In the U.S I knew I didn't want to pursue a career in criminal law so now that I'm really looking into it I'm not even sure if Harvard is the right way to go anymore do I pursue a career in psychology? or a specific major relating to it and I'm struggling to find which college would be the best choice for me concerning the career path I'm passionate about as I'm not entirely sure anymore. I've always wanted to go to an ivy league because I thought it would be the best option. Harvard has always been a top choice but Yale has found it's way into my choices as well. Now that I'm navigating my career path I'm not sure if there are the right choices or not or if these colleges have what I need them to offer?

I just want to make the right choices for me and realizing my choices were too broad and that I needed to be very specific with what I want to pursue in my career path I want to start thinking about these choices now so I can meet the criteria for my college though I am undecided as of now.

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Sep 12 127 views

Does being a medical administrative assistant get boring sitting at a desk all day?

I am doing medical administrative assistant as a trade right now and I'm really worried about sitting at a desk all-day because I have a short attention span. Are you always busy with something or are there times you have nothing to do for some time?

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Sep 12 449 views

What are the cities or counties where you can best pursue a career as an electrician in America?

What are the cities or counties where you can best pursue a career as an electrician in America

Simar’s Avatar
Simar Sep 12 391 views

How Do I Understand What Part of Psychology I want to be in?

I thought Psychiatry was the one for me, but I don't think I could handle med school, unfortunately. I feel very lost.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Sep 12 370 views

I would want to find someone who is really good at song writing ?

I have been writing songs for the past three years. And my songs are not bad but they are not the best. If I could have some help I would really appreciate that.

Tom’s Avatar
Tom Sep 12 355 views

How to be a professional song writer?

It takes a long journey to be a professional song writer and they are a lot of song writer in the world like Drake and others

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Sep 12 354 views

I am seeking advice on a certificate in editing and publishing.

Hello! I am thinking of going back to school to get a certificate in the editing and publishing industry. I am 21 years old and have formerly started taking classes in an English bachelor's degree program, but due to financial reasons, I decided to take a break from classes. Will pursuing a...

Knija’s Avatar
Knija Sep 12 454 views

How do I plan out the strategy for my college courses?

I'm starting college in attempts to get out of the financial struggle my family's endured and start a life for myself. To start, I was planning on going for dental hygienist, with the goal of looking forward to dermatology/veternarian/marine biologist. I have time to decide which career to...

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Sep 11 580 views

Should interior designers get some type of college degree before working If so what do you recommend for majors and/or colleges??

I'm in high school, and I'm not completely sure it I want to go to college or not.

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Sep 11 498 views

I suck at math and I want to get better but I don’t know how.

I suck at math and it’s genuinely embarrassing. Like there’s some topics that I get but it’s a matter of remembering for me. I always forget what’s taught to me in math class. And this is specifically only for the math subject and not others like Biology, Anatomy, history, English, government...