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Patrick Meyer’s Avatar

Patrick Meyer

Executive - Data Analytics and AI
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
702 Answers
715224 Reads
1098 Karma


Civic Duty

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Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Feb 08 805 views

How can I try out farming?

I am in high school and I don't know if I want to go into farming yet so I would like to have a bit of experience in it before I peruse it as my career. I am wondering if there are places that hire kids for a summer job, just to help them get experience.

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Feb 08 1457 views

How much will I be getting paid for being Office Administration?

I would like to know how much the pay or salary is.

brianna’s Avatar
brianna Feb 09 3035 views

Can I still get into a prestigious college without extracurriculars?

I don't do any sports or clubs, but I still want to get into a prestigious college, is that possible?

Sanya’s Avatar
Sanya Feb 11 682 views

What should I do if I have two different passions I heard that to get into competitive colleges you needed to show a spike on your resume like a specific passion you pursued. The issue is I have two science/biology and creative writing. I have always wanted to go to NYU, or Vanderbilt but both of those are competitive schools and I’m not sure how to connect these two passions? ?

I want to do pre med in college

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Feb 08 1731 views

where is the best place to get a biology degree?

I'm going into my junior year of high school and I'm trying to find what direction to go in life.

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Feb 12 1293 views

Why is college more expensive ?

Why is college so expensive/ university? Are we supposed to be 40 and still living with student debt? Are we supposed to work our 40k job to pay the 300k dollars on student loans?

Karl’s Avatar
Karl Feb 04 756 views

What's the best way to learn Python?

Tips on learning how to efficiently use Python.

Maham’s Avatar
Maham Feb 06 2865 views

Quickest Way To Become an Optometrist?

Hello all I wanted to know what was the quickest way I could become an optometrist I currently have a bachelor's in Arts and I'm 25. So I wanted to know how long it would take and whats the quickest route.

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Feb 06 541 views

What college is right for you?

What is the purpose of college education? Why do we invest so much time, effort, and money into obtaining a degree? What are the benefits that college education offers to individuals and society as a whole? These are some of the questions that arise when we think about the role of college in...

Ivory’s Avatar
Ivory Feb 06 674 views

What classes/courses/programs should I take as future Bariatricians?

What classes/courses should I Take as Future Bariatricians?
What did you do to become Bariatricians? Where do you work at as Bariatricians and I mean specifics like the hospital name or wherever you work if you don’t mind sharing. How much do you personally make as a Bariatricians?

Kayton’s Avatar
Kayton Feb 02 1535 views

What is the purpose of an informational interview?

To learn more about a possible career path

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Feb 02 901 views

How does one balance school demands and pursue a career in sports?

Im Mason, i am 13. I wanna be a professional basket player. Do i have to attend College after high school?

Yessybel’s Avatar
Yessybel Feb 01 4891 views

What inspired you to become a Registered Nurse, and what aspects of the profession do you find most rewarding?

I'm currently enrolled in trade school, pursuing a career in healthcare to become a Registered Nurse. I am particularly interested in gaining insights from experienced Registered Nurses to better understand the nuances of the profession.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Feb 02 889 views

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?

what the best thing i have to do if i want to learn speaking?

Shihab’s Avatar
Shihab Feb 01 825 views

What is the best way to find my job?

What is the best way to find my job?

madison’s Avatar
madison Jan 26 6411 views

What is the best way to become an Aesthetic Nurse?

I'm getting my ASN at a community college by 2026, what should I do after that if I'm interested in doing Aesthetic Nursing? (preforming injections-botox and fillers)

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Jan 31 872 views

How do you know when you have a good job?

When you are searching for jobs how are you able to determine that you've found the correct job that suits you or how do you look for the job that you believe would suit you best

Mehmet’s Avatar
Mehmet Jan 30 2082 views

How Can I get into Brand Management with Experience below?

I have experience in customer success account management at Amazon, Enterprise Account management at a startup and want to move into brand management. Please give me tips on how I can get a brand management role without a masters degree

'Amalia’s Avatar
'Amalia Jan 29 591 views

Why does the math i do not make since like it should my Teacher always try's to explain it but I still do not Understand it most of the

Why does the math i do not make since like it should my Teacher always try's to explain it but I still do not Understand it most of the time It is real hard

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 29 717 views

Help! I’m stuck between Med-School and Law, what do I go for?

I’m a freshman in high school, my GPA is 3.96 and straight A’s. I’m in a Medical Careers club and a Mock Trial club at my high school. This weekend I was in a Mock Trial as the defendant’s attorney in criminal proceedings(aggravated assault and battery charges for juvenile male, 17 tried as an...

Eljay’s Avatar
Eljay Jan 27 6645 views

What subjects must I choose to become a software engineer in South Africa

What Highschool subjects must I take to become a Software engineer In South Africa. I live in Louis Trichart, limpopo, South Africa, I attend Highschool Louis Trichart or Louis Trichart Secondary School.

Randy’s Avatar
Randy Jan 28 849 views

How to be a full-stack developer?

How to get in back-end development and how to gain the skills to move forward to be a full-stack developer in the future? and is this job so stressful? or more like a fun job?

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jan 29 779 views

How do I become a radio technician?

If you are already in college and are getting a degree in biochemistry, is there a way to take classes online to become a radiotech?

hara’s Avatar
hara Jan 28 936 views

How do I make myself look more professional in a group setting when people think that I'm under-qualified for my job?

This question is mainly in reference to more business centered fields

Layana’s Avatar
Layana Jan 27 482 views

when i have to learn coding ?

when i have to learn coding ?

Arvaiya’s Avatar
Arvaiya Dec 05, 2023 898 views

Dislikes about Data Science?

What do you dislike about Data Science? Is there a task that annoys you, or you just don't like doing?

Huy’s Avatar
Huy Jan 27 828 views

How do I improve my resume to get internship?

I am a 4th year mechanical engineering student at CSULB and looking to improve my skills and learn more experiences through internships and work experiences.

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 25 1109 views

How do I make money on the internet?

How do I become a pro marketer on the internet in this time of the world. It seems super complicated and I want to make money on the internet. And would like more money to invest

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Jan 27 575 views

How do platforms to train for career?

I love teaching and love to be a chef can these be possible

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Jan 19 1136 views

How to become successful artist?

Can you become a millionaire artist? I mean like how do you do it if you were to? Do you enjoy your job? Should I start a business after collage or before collage?

Graham’s Avatar
Graham Jan 26 2856 views

Working with animals?

How can I work with Animals without doing a degree. Anyone doing this now? What was your career pathway?

mya’s Avatar
mya Jan 27 916 views

How do you get into prestigious medical schools?

I want to go to John’s Hopkins medical school in the future and I am an A student

Fred’s Avatar
Fred Jan 27 1800 views

How can a social worker be of help to the society?

In aspect of socialization to the community

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jan 27 1419 views

How to know about finance?

Want to know about it.

sara’s Avatar
sara Jan 26 488 views

what is best source to learn english?

what is best source to learn english?

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Jan 26 589 views

What do chemical engineers do?

I am going to be a college freshman soon and I want to know if I am going down a successful path with chemical engineering.

tameya’s Avatar
tameya Jul 25, 2023 1292 views

what are some ways to start preparing for your career as a teenager?

what are some things i can do that’ll help look good when i’m applying for a position at my career?

Aleeyah’s Avatar
Aleeyah Apr 26, 2023 518 views

What is the first step in having a career list ?

building my credentials and resume

Khadija’s Avatar
Khadija Jan 26 2353 views

Why do parents always try to choose their child career path?

Lately i had a conversation with my mom and i sense that she wants me to be a medical doctor but i want to get into the fashion industry when i finish high school. Do i try to convince my mom to let me choose my career path? Or do what she wants?

Faisol’s Avatar
Faisol Jan 13 1527 views

what can you do with python and linux?

What are the things you can do with python programming language and linux operating system together ?

Janhavi’s Avatar
Janhavi Jan 13 1468 views

I am in 11th grade. I want to create a passion project with my academic and personal interest i.e Computer Science and local impact. I have a river(not clean) and also a oldage home nearby. Any tips and ideas?

I am in the junior year and do not have really great ideas that will clearly make a difference.

sara’s Avatar
sara Jan 15 1642 views

Is using data for artificial intelligence automation the job of an artificial intelligence engineer?

How is a working day of an artificial intelligence engineer?

Lydia’s Avatar
Lydia Jan 25 731 views

Is it worth it going to college to get your masters degree for medical?

One of the career choices I'm debating on requires a master's degree, and I know that getting a master's degree will not be easy and expensive.

Jess’s Avatar
Jess Jan 26 1016 views

What is the benefit of pursuing a career in the Software development sector?

I have recently been hearing news about the rise of increasingly smart AI's. I, personally would think following the trend and learning more about softwares then joining a company to develop AI's but I don't really know how much a software developer earns annually.

Naman’s Avatar
Naman Jan 13 749 views

What is best way to become data scientist I want to become data scientist and by searching 50 hours on internet i have found a way to get admission in iit madras by one qualifier exam which doesn't require jee so should I prepare for jee or for this qualifier exam ?

I am too much confused pls help me

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Jan 15 857 views

Debt until 40 ?

Why is college so expensive? Theres people that graduated college and university and their they are working their normal jobs and they still are in debt because their academics? What are we supposed to do?

Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn Jan 26 798 views

How to prepare for the SAT ?

What can I do to prepare for the SAT

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Apr 19, 2023 754 views

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally??

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally?

Thane’s Avatar
Thane Jan 25 946 views

How do I find a career/major I am interested in?

I am struggling to find a career to go to college for, any suggestions?

Matt’s Avatar
Matt Jan 26 1736 views

How important is attending college?

My name is Matt, lately i have been weighing my options and feel like I don’t need a college degree to be successful but i am afraid of making a mistake in my career path.