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Karissa Helton’s Avatar

Karissa Helton

Miami, Florida
207 Answers
228185 Reads
490 Karma


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Elias’s Avatar
Elias yesterday 89 views

How do I become a pediatrician ?

I am really good with kids and I know somewhat about the body and maybe some of their conditions are like how I have, I might be able to understand other kids and their condition.

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Jan 10 1171 views

how to easily become a psychiatrist in less years than normal while also knowing a lot about it

I want to become a psychiatrist and not be in my 30's or mid 30's. My goal is to try to be a young psychiatrist.

Jodi’s Avatar
Jodi Dec 11, 2024 785 views

If I want to study in marine biology or astronomy in collage, what should I do in high school?

I am a sophomore in high school and I have been really interested in astronomy and marine biology. I'm not sure what I can do in high school to help prepare for either of these things. Can anyone give me tips?

Somava Ray’s Avatar
Somava Ray Dec 06, 2024 646 views

What major should I apply with?

Hi, I'm in 11th grade and I am unsure on what major path to follow. Im conflicted between computer science and accounting. I am more determined to achieve success in my future job and am not sure which will provide the most support. Throughout high schoolI have mostly focused on CS. Im not...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Nov 25, 2024 484 views

Is the IB Program going to help me get into my dream school if I struggled during the first two years of high school?

For reference I was averaging a 3.2 for my freshman and sophomore years of high school and now I have been accepted into the IB Diploma program due to my exceptional testing abilities alongside my out of school activities. I have made improvements to my schoolwork but I was wondering if it was...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Nov 19, 2024 752 views

Which High School Class Should I Pick? Please Help!!!?

So I definitely want to go into the field of teaching but next year I am doubling up in science and taking Chemistry and AP Environmental next year but that only leaves one period left for an elective in my schedule. Should I take AP Psychology or Careers in Education. I really want to take...

Jie Cheng’s Avatar
Jie Cheng Oct 28, 2024 318 views

What is some advice you would give to students currently getting ready for college?

I am a student in my last year of high school, I want to know what one should expect during this process.

Christy’s Avatar
Christy Oct 23, 2024 517 views

how to cite my source for a website i used for my resume ?

not sure how i need to cite

Gabe’s Avatar
Gabe Oct 24, 2024 305 views

What are good classes to take in college to become a social studies teacher?

11th grader at Grundy Center High School

Sammy’s Avatar
Sammy Oct 22, 2024 573 views

What do you typically learn in College to be a 7th grade math teacher?

I’m in 12th grade, and currently wanting to be a teacher! ❤️

Preston’s Avatar
Preston Oct 20, 2024 543 views

How will I find my right major?

I still don't know what major to take

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Oct 14, 2024 632 views

How can I choose the best career/major for myself?

I am someone who likes to do many things and I like them all but if i were to choose one, it would be impossible. I am very fond of public speaking, I also like technology as it is continuing to grow I'd like to be in the field but not entirely in the coding section. I prefer the "business"...

Tiffany’s Avatar
Tiffany Oct 10, 2024 600 views

How was your transfer process from a community college to a four year college?

Where did you transfer from and to? What obstacles did you face? How many years did u spend at community college? What about what you studied? Any advice is welcomed!

Abi’s Avatar
Abi Oct 09, 2024 416 views

What are the top 3 factors I should take in account when choosing what to study?

I am still unsure of what I want to study FOR SURE and want to know about factors I should look for.

ajanta’s Avatar
ajanta Oct 09, 2024 405 views

I am interested in pursuing a career in medicine specifically cardiology. What passion project should I do ?

I am interested in pursuing a career in medicine specifically cardiology. What passion project should I do ? I am in my 8th grade.